Farm Sense

Episode 003: Biohacking Revolution



Everyday science makes new and incredible strides in the world of biotechnology and its ability to influence plant biology.  These discoveries will help protect our plants, the farmers that grow them and the industries that rely on them from things like diseases, drought or floods.    That research is already underway and new discoveries are being made thanks to new tools and new meta-analysis. From using spinach proteins grown by a host-virus to protect orange trees from citrus greening to using CRISPR/Cas9 find genes that regulate disease resistance in cacao trees, to finding new corn traits for photosynthetic efficiencies that lead to higher yields, the biohacking future is now.    "Through new tools like genome editing can begin to harness the natural genetic potential of plants in ways that we really couldn't have imagined a decade ago," said Benson Hill Biosystems President and CEO Mathew Crisp. "I think over the next five to 10 years, we're going to see enormous strides in empl