Dreamers & Doers

#2 - The Libertarian Philosopher - Gaspard Koenig - On the emergence of self-organised societies



I interviewed Gaspard Koenig, famous French libertarian philosopher, author of many books and founder of the think tank Generation Libre. Gaspard and his think tank now have a big influence on French politics. In this podcast, we discuss some of the self-organised societies he has been visiting and studying, from open prisons to micro credit, from blockchain to universal basic income. We also discuss the rise of decentralised networks. I have been following Gaspard for more than 4 years and love his work. He is quite famous in France, often invited on radio and TV shows, and thought it would be great to interview him in English in order to have his ideas heard by a wider population. To subscribe to the podcast Dreamers & doers, click here: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/dreamers-doers/id1352724499