Personal Best

Digital Health



Lots of us spend time worrying out our physical health and our mental wellbeing ... but how much consideration do we give to our digital health? Gillian Russell and the Personal Best team are back, discovering how to create a happier, healthier digital life for young people ... and their parents. Online safety consultant Jess McBeath describes what we mean by digital citizenship, examines the issues young people face in the online world and advises on how we can all be the best guardians of our digital health. Megan Lancaster shares the audio diary she kept for a day which details just what her online habits are like! Maireid, Maya and Ibrahim talk about Young Scot's "5 Rights", young people's rights in the digital world. Tech journalist Carrie Marshall explains the technology that's available to help us be more conscious of the time we spend online. Dave Howard describes the idea behind the BBC's "Own It" initiative which aims to give parents - and their children - help and advice for navigating the onl