Personal Best




Richard Forbes meets members of the LGBT community. The programme kicks off at Whitecraigs Rugby Club where the Glasgow Alphas are warming up for a game. The players explain how taking part in the sport is good for their physical and mental health. Luke Aquilina goes for a run on the streets of the capital with Al Hopkins from the Edinburgh Frontrunners, who says there are things all sports clubs could do to be more inclusive. Meanwhile, down in the Borders, Gina Gordon talks about the challenges of keeping fit and active following her transition. Psychotherapist Alison Wren tells us about the benefits of coming out and why she runs a course to help people through the process. Then we take a trip to Melrose where Margaret Hart shares her story of coming out in middle age. Megan Johnson from the LGBT Health and Wellbeing Centre is doing work to reduce the stigma that older members of the community face. Some folk are finding themselves pushed back into the closet as family and carers have a bigger role in thei