Dennis Alan City Boy Homesteader Podcast

Episode-8- Music Mondays Karl Leitzel 2-18-19



Hello hello everyone this is Dennis Alan and your listening to the Dennis Alan City Boy Homesteader Podcast. A city boy who gave it all up to find happiness, financial freedom and a better way to live life. Together we can learn and accomplish anything. Today is Monday, February 18th 2019 episode 7 and it’s Music Monday, a weekly podcast were we talk about anything music related going in my life or in the valley so nice they named it twice, Penns Valley.  Joining me on this episode live from the Inglebean Coffee Shop is my friend, neighbor and fellow local business owner Karl Leitzel. Karl is a seasoned music lover who has been involved, since he was younger ,in the local music scene in the valley so nice they named it twice, Penns Valley. We talk about our music scene here and how it’s evolved A brief explanation of who Karl Leitzel is What the heck is a ukulele and why is there one at the coffee shop How the ukulele is helping the Haven of Hope and kids in need Song of the day  Okay Not Okay by Ka