Dennis Alan City Boy Homesteader Podcast

Episode-14- Music Mondays Jerry Egelhoff 3-4-19



Hello hello everyone this is Dennis Alan and your listening to the Dennis Alan City Boy Homesteader Podcast. A city boy who gave it all up to find happiness, financial freedom and a better way to live life. Together we can learn and accomplish anything. Today is Monday, March 4rd 2019 episode -14 and it’s Music Monday, a weekly podcast were we talk about anything music related going in my life or in the valley so nice they named it twice, Penns Valley.  On this episode Jerry Egelhoff will be joining me for a cup of coffee live at the IngleBean in Millheim, PA.  Jerry is a local music lover and friend who sits down with me and shares a few of his music related stories and experiences he’s had in his life so far. We get into Becoming a Deadhead in their home town the Who? and the Meaty Beaty Big and Bouncy The energy of a live show How music is personal and it evolves  Life changing concerts BIG HUGS Open source concerts Benefits of small personal music festivals like Quarry Fest 420 more BIG HUG