Juris Sidechain - Technology And The Law

002 - with Matt Slater - Investor, Synapse Capital - Decentralized Exchanges and Democratized Investment



Welcome back! This week Adam is chatting with Matt Slater, an investor with Synapse Capital and blockchain tech early adopter. They're talking about the evolution of the decentralized web and where it's going from here. They touch a lot of stuff (check the list below for links) on the way in a chat about decentralized exchanges, and the promise and peril of democratized investing tools. Hope you enjoy... let us know what you think! Reach Juris: https://twitter.com/jurisproject https://jurisproject.io team@jurisproject.io Reach Matt: Matt Slater - https://twitter.com/mattslater Synapse Capital - https://www.synapse.capital/ Hedgy - https://blog.sendwyre.com/wyre-acquires-hedgy-platform-technology-bitcoin-script-powered-derivatives-17b8b3b0e4e Topics/Notes from this Episode: - The Decentralized Web - https://dci.mit.edu/decentralizedweb - Blockchain for Beginners - https://blockgeeks.com/guides/what-is-blockchain-technology/ - HTTP - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol - Why The Web