Library Figures

09: Kimberly Crowder — Using Data and Research to Redesign Your Library Website



Kimberly Crowder is back with another guest appearance! Kimberly serves as the Marketing Director for the Indianapolis Public Library and her team recently finished the library’s website redesign. On today’s show, she shares the process of how the new website came to be and how she sourced information from visitors to get the website functioning the way they needed it to.   Key Takeaways: Kimberly is back on the show to give an update about the website redesign she was overseeing for the Indianapolis Public Library. Kimberly launched the fresh new site two days ago and has been getting feedback both from the staff and the public. Why does the website not have a home page slider? Through research and customer insights, it was found that having a search feature front and center can help website visitors find their information more quickly without having to click around and get lost. Kimberly employed a third-party consulting firm to help them with their website because this was not her staff’s area of expertis