Learn Me Something

The Bogeyman



Synopsis: This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the history of the Bogeyman as it pertains to various cultures. You know, that thing you were scared of when you were a kid. Sometimes also spelled Bogeyman, or Bogieman, the word originates from the Middle English "bogge" which means hobgoblin. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation. Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as we're trying to raise enough money to help cover our studio build costs. Duration: 41:26:00 Present: Aaron Stewart, Rich Plumb Episode Links The True Origins of The Boogeyman What's the Bogeyman? Bogeyman on Wikipedia The Gruesome Crimes Of Albert Fish, The Brooklyn Vampire Read This Twisted Letter From An Infamous Cannibal To The Mother Of His Victim Why Some People Never Grow Out of a Fear of the Dark Why Do You Fear the Bogeyman? An Embodied Predictive Coding Model of Perceptual Inference