Standout With Cheryl Tan

76: Fame, Fortune & Farmers Markets With Lakesha Brown-Renfro



When you see a successful person, there’s a misconception, that he or she got to this level of success overnight, that this person snapped a finger and right away, the result is a multi-million dollar business. If only that were true. In this episode of STANDOUT, you'll hear from a business owner who started a company with one  idea for growth. But by sitting back and listening to clients and customers, she realized there was a better path. And the company pivoted. Many years later, after creating a food product, appearing on Shark Tank, selling out on QVC 5 times, opening a restaurant, two boutique hotels and a spa, Lakesha Brown-Renfro, along with her two business partners, now run ten businesses. We counted. It started with farmers markets, meeting people face to face, talking with them, sharing products, seeing their reaction to them. To this day, despite being very well-known, Lakesha still makes time for farmers markets. I know you’ll enjoy this interview, where you’ll learn quite a bit abou