Neil Corcoran (tantric Dex)

Regroup and Rewind 2017, Part 1.



An abundance of good music released over the course of this year, many firm favourites from across the board, so many, in fact, that I've decided to split this episode into two parts. It was an impossible feat trying to get everything in to one 3 hour mix and I didn't have the heart to cut any of these gems. Here's the first batch, of the best of what 2017 had to offer on a more down-tempo tip, with the second part to follow next week. I've moved the lounge for this one... I've also re-loaded 2016 and 2015's selections If you missed them first time around, or you fancy taking them for another spin. Thanks for taking the time to pop by these past 12 months. Merry New Year, Best Wishes for 2018 Kind regards, Neil Here's a link to my new Podcast page You'll still be able to get my Podcast from tantricdex.pod