Library Figures

08: Hannah Christian — Leverage viral content to triple your library's social media following



Hannah Christian is the Assistant Director of Career Services at Northwest Missouri State University. Prior to this, Hannah was a research librarian for the university before transitioning into this role. Today, she oversees the library’s social media following and has trained student employees on best social media practices in order for the library to successfully communicate with their younger demographic. Find out more about what Hannah and her team are up to and how they bring awareness to their academic library on this week’s show!   Key Takeaways: Who is Hannah and what does she do for Northwest Missouri State University? How does academic library marketing differ from public library marketing? What types of Twitter posts did Hannah find success with? Hannah recruited students that matched with their target demographic so that they could stay up-to-date and trendy on their social media accounts. What types of strategies do Hannah and her team use for Facebook? Quick announcement: Are you struggling wit