Donna's Intermittent Fasting Journal

#43 Intermittent Fasting Journal



In this Broadcast, Donna Reish, blogger, author of 100 curriculum books for preschool through twelfth graders, seeker of health and fitness, and Intermittent Fasting teacher, talks about whether you should continue to fast when weight loss has plateaued, slowed, or stopped. She begins this presentation by telling, in a nutshell, why she and her husband (the two have lost over 100 pounds together in a year on IF) will always practice some form of Intermittent Fasting (in spite of both of their “weight plateaus” right now). Donna begins this discussion by talking about what was happening to her before IF—always some form of dieting, losing and regaining, perfection or guilt, limiting one macro or another, etc. She also discusses the differences among various metrics—pounds, inches, clothes, appearance—and how we should consider all, not just weight. She also touches on motivation to exercise and change our bodies. Next, Donna describes the difficulties in achieving leptin and insulin sensitivities. Both of th