Adventures In Branding

The Life-Changing Magic of Finding Your Gift



The magic is the emotional connection between the photographer & the subject. - Jim Darling Jim Darling & I met in DC back in the days before he had a smartphone - he found out about me when I hosted Cup of Inspiration at Sisarina. He moved to Denver 2 years before me - and when we caught up at his birthday party, his candor reminded me why I needed to introduce you all to him. Jim started his career in graphic design and realized that photography was his gift after realizing how lonely it is to engage with a computer. He is an incredible portrait photographer who captures humans in their element and this is his year of decluttering - starting with deleting Twitter. Now he's clearing out much more. Join us as Jim & I go deep into social media fears, "stranger portraits," being a real business man, and how networking can change your life. Also check out a Creative Mornings near you and GO TO ONE! xoxo FIND OUT MORE: