Strange Attractor

Episode 7: I've got a free electron, wanna party?



We tour the periodic table - the 'map' of the atoms If you're looking for the show notes for episode 6, click here. Sorry about the mistake! This is your brain on podcasts...podcasts are good! (The New York Times) Our Strange Attractor website The Overcast podcast player is great & free...get it! (Overcast) Boris Becker (Bio) The periodic table - how atoms are organised ( Dimitri Mendeleev & the periodic table (Royal Society of Chemistry) The magnetic periodic table of swear words (Amazon) True nerds name their devices/servers according to a theme (Naming Schemes) Mendeleev's predicted elements (Wikipedia) Arrangement of the elements (BBC) What is atomic mass? (Encyclopaedia Britannica) What is atomic weight? (Encyclopaedia Britannica) The atomic masses of tellurium & iodine are anomalies (BBC) B&Q Bunnings Home Depot Turning lead into gold is too much effort (Scientific American) Turning lead into gold is too much effort (Chemistry Explained) But...medieval alchemy paved the way