Strange Attractor

Episode 22: Darling, the metre man's here!



What are 'Standard International units'? Where are you from? Send us a postcard! Strange Attractor, c/ PO Box 9, Fitzroy, VIC 3065, Australia The seven Système International d'Unités (SI) base units: second, mole, metre, kilogram, kelvin, candela, ampere (National Physical Laboratory) The seven Système International d'Unités (SI) base units: second, mole, metre, kilogram, kelvin, candela, ampere (Wikipedia) The base units (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures) The SI system kicked off after 1799 (The National Institute of Standards & Technology) Moon Unit Zappa, child of Frank Zappa (Wikipedia) The 'cubit' was the length from the tip of one's middle finger to the bottom of the elbow (Wikipedia) History of length measurement: From cubits to lasers (National Physical Laboratory) A history of all the weird units of measurement from ye olde ancient times (Encyclopaedia Britannica) A history of the kilogram (National Physical Laboratory) Standard time was introduced from the mid-1800s around the world wi