Strange Attractor

Episode 24: The red pants that I rejected



How does online tracking and advertising work? Popping the publishing bubble: A great overview about what the iOS 9 ad blockers mean for online advertising (Stratechery) Data collection by loyalty programs (Choice) How supermarkets get your data & what they do with it (The Guardian) Online tracking systems, how do they work (NewFangled) Tracking the trackers: What are cookies? An introduction to web tracking (The Guardian) Online tracking: If they are watching, should you watch too? (NewFangled) A large tracking investigation (The Wall Street Journal) Don't track us (Duck Duck Go) I'm being followed: How Google, & 104 other companies, are tracking me on the web (The Atlantic) Facebook isn't free - it has made you its product (Computerworld) The decline of newspapers (Wikipedia) The Age The Herald Sun Newspaper Death Watch The future of print: Newspapers struggle to survive in the age of technology (Harvard Political Review) Newspapers' ongoing search for subscription revenue: From paywalls to micropa