Learn Me Something

Smiling Depression



Synopsis: This week on "Learn Me Something," Aaron and Rich delve into the regrettably common and often stigmatized issue of depression. We've aptly titled this episode "Smiling Depression," because a lot of us that deal with it are really good at hiding how we really feel. Make sure to signup for Audible today to get your FREE audio book and 30-day trial. Please support our podcast by making a sustaining monthly donation. Please also check out our GoFundMe campaign as we're trying to raise enough money to help cover our studio build costs. If you prefer video, you can subscribe and watch on YouTube. Duration: 56:59:00 Present: Aaron Stewart, Rich Plumb Episode Links Depression Smiling Depression Symptoms: Major Depression vs. Walking Depression Smiling Depression: What You Need to Know Definition of depression Summary of evidence-based interventions for suicide prevention Infographic of mental health Follow your hosts, guests, and the show on Twitter @LMSPodcast on Twitter Learn Me Something on Fa