Everything Hertz

22: Pokemon and public health



Pokemon Go is sweeping the world and getting people walking again! But is the Pokemon Go 'model' a golden opportunity to tackle obesity or just another fad? Some of the topics discussed: James plays "Pokemon or Cholesterol medication?" Dan tries to explain Pokemon Go to James James' first contact with Pokemon Go "trainers" Should health interventions be modeled on Pokemon Go? Other exercise augmented reality health apps What's the app's endgame? Can health authorities copy this model? We make a correction from episode 17: PLoS is in fact a non-profit journal, not a for-profit journal Dan and James answer two listener questions: i) The dumbest things they've ever done in the lab (both related to email faux pas) ii) How often should lab meetings be run The importance of PROPERLY piloting your experiment If you don't know the person in the meeting that takes up too much time, it's probably you. Links The quiz http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/gaming/2016/07/pokemonorcholesterolmedicationa_quiz.html Face