Beyond Reason

We Are All Children In The Wilderness Of The Afterlife w/Sysco Murdoch and Steve Stockton



Sysco Murdoch has always been multifaceted in her approach to life. A bartender, a floral designer, Wire Sculptor, Jewelry designer, Craftologist, business owner, Soldier, Empath, Sensitive, & Producer/Host of Journey Through the Gate Paranormal Portal Podcast. None of this taking precedence over being a mom of two sons. These paths have led her through, and to, multiple experiences with the paranormal, supernatural, and the uncanny. She resides near the Jersey Shore, with her dear family, several fur-babies, and at least one ghost. Steve Stockton is an author & raconteur, lover of all strange things that crawl, creep, slither and go bump in the night. On this episode of Beyond Reason, Justin brings on Sysco and Steve to talk about their book, “We Are All Children In The Wilderness Of The Afterlife”. They talk about how they got started on the book, some of their experiences in the world of high strangeness, and so much more. Join us, you with open minds, and listen to an amazing episode! Sysco and St