Taking A Leap

Sandy Hancock



SANDY HANCOCK Business Name: Body By Sandy, LLC Website: www.bodybysandy.com Email: sandy@bodybysandy.com Twitter: bodybysandy Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BodyBySandy.SandyHancock Sandy Hancock is the owner of Body By Sandy and creator of Fit & Ageless 90 Day Total Body Sculpt. She is a fitness coach and body transformation expert for women and has been in the fitness industry for over 15 years. She teaches healthy nutritional habits, exercise for mobility and strength and mindset tools and has helped thousands of women become Fit & Ageless. Sandy competed in figure & bikini competitions for 17 years, starting at age 38 and competed last at the age of 55. Sandy was a competition coach for 15 years but now focuses on helping women over 40 overcome the obstacles they face as they age.