Behind The Breakthroughs

Grateful For 25



It's Behind the Breakthroughs 25th episode and in this episode Dr. Nunez ad Maylene reflect back on all the guests they have had and reflect upon their inspirational stories.   In this episode Dr. Nunez and Maylene express their gratitude to all the guests that have been on the podcast and all their listeners. This podcast has given them the opportunity to meet so many people and it is giving them a burst of new energy and new ideas to share. It has been a great 25 and the next 25 will be amazing! They thank everyone for being on this journey of Behind the Breakthroughs. IN THIS EPISODE:  It's Behind the Breakthroughs 25th episode and in this episode Dr. Nunez ad Maylene reflect back on all the guests they have had and their inspirational stories. It feels overwhelming to think about how many people they have met through this podcast and how far they have come and how many stories they have shared. Some of their favorite guests have been the Ruth family because you got to hear from a mothers and fathers pers