Crosspoint Church (milpitas )




恩賜與教會使命-發現你最突顯的恩賜 : This series basically divided into two sub-series. The first one(Sermon 14-17) concerns nature of spiritual gifts. The second one deals with building up the church with what we have, including but not just limited to our spiritual gifts(the white-shaded table is the first sub-series and the yellow-shaded part is the second sub-series) . In the first sub-series, it does not aim at surveying each spiritual gift as listed in the bible one by one. It specifically touches on gifts that edify the church(others). It focuses on helping members to realize that they do have spiritual gifts and how to use them correctly and biblically. Sermon 18-22 use 4 biblical metaphors to illustrates how we diversity and unity can bring growth and health to the church. The final sermon touches on the “most excellent way” - the motive and power of committing to church life. The intent of God’s plan for the Church to exist is to work together with Him on earth to expand His Kingdom, and it has to be both huma