Lab Radio

Crypto OG Series Ep 1 - A chat with Alysse Killeen, Managing Partner at Stillmark Capital



On this inaugural OG Crypto Series episode, I, Chris Groshong sit down with Managing Partner at Stillmark Capital, Alyse Killeen to discuss what it takes to have longevity in the Crypto and Blockchain industry. This is a new series we're launching called The "Crypto OG Series" where I tap into my rolodex of VIPs, movers and shakers from the Blockchain space that have been around the industry and share their knowledge, perspective and philosophies. In this one, we talk about Venture Capital in Crypto and Alyse’s philosophical approach to investing through Stillmark Capital. Are there any differences between LA and Silicon Valley approaches to investing? And what does she look for in founders and does emotional intelligence play a factor? Hear a story about the history of entrepreneurship in her family dating back several generations. Alyse and I first met at an afterparty in June of 2014 as part of a conference (no longer in existence) called Coin Congress. She said some very motivating words to me that helped