Kevin Whitsitt

The Basic Economic Problem of Scarcity when it Comes to Money!



Click on the link below to Learn the most valuable skill in Internet Marketing! Hey today I want to talk about the basic economic problem of scarcity when it comes to money in your own life. The great thing about a job is having a secure paycheck. Obviously nothing is 100% guaranteed, but you are fairly certain that you will make so much money at the end of the month. Thanks to marketers who are wonderful salespeople, most people buy so much stuff that they spend all the money they make and are basically boke by the time they get their paycheck. 78% of full-time workers in America live paycheck to paycheck in 2017. This means that if they don't get their paycheck they are broke. This is according to CNBC. So you can see why many people have a scarcity mentality when it comes to money, because at the end of the month many don't have any. One idea (of course it sounds easier than it might be for some people) is just to stop the spending. Yea, start cutt