Kevin Whitsitt

Do you Agree with These Fitness Diet Ideas?



Click on the link below to learn the most valuable skill with Digital Marketing! Hey Wutzup today I want to talk about fitness facts and myths. I'm not in the best shape of my life so I'm learning some stuff on fitness and I wanted to share a few of the things I discovered from reading this book Body 4 Life that is my dads favorite book on the topic. Myth: to lose fat, and improve your body, don't eat. Fact: to build a lean, healthy body you have to eat. One of the biggest errors people make when they try to lose fat and improve their health is they stop eating. According to Bill Philips when you try to starve yourself your body will fight back and reduce the ability of it to burn fat. You also burn muscles which you need to burn fat. He says that you will feel tired weak and irritable, I agree with that, but that you're immune system will also suffer.