Kevin Whitsitt

Quora Search Engine and Using It for Affiliate Marketing!



Click on the link below to discover tricks and ideas to make more money with affiliate marketing. Hey, today I'm going to be talking about Quora search engine and how to use it for affiliate marketing! Hey, today I'm going to be talking about Quora search engine and how to use it for affiliate marketing! Have you heard of Quora before? If not, it's a question and answer site where you can ask questions and you can answer questions. If you had a question on something you can ask it and get people to give you their best answer. This is different than Google because with Google you can get answers from videos, articles or whatever. With Quora, someone will sit down and write an answer. If you are wondering how Quora makes money, well they do it through advertising similar to Facebook. How I use Quora is that I will first create content, maybe it's a YouTube video or Medium post and then what I will do is find a question relating to the content I created. You can't ju