
Genesis: Divine, Chemical, or Alien



Many think they know how life can to be, but the truth is one does for certain. A perfect topic for the very first Naturalish: Nights! Scienceman Alex Duckles and producer Ben Schultz explore popular philosophical, religious, and scientific theories throughout the ages - with special attention paid to those that are out of this world... We're talking panspermia, folks! And it's an idea more ancient -and plausible- than you might think. Science in the News covers the waking of Opportunity on Mars as well as the discovery of water and possibility for extraterrestrials on Jupiter. This week we liked Johannes Kepler and The RFK Tapes. Big-ish shout outs to Prometheus, Svante Arrhenius, Francis Crick, Anaxagoras, Elton John, Gov. Dan Aykroyd, the Copernican Model, hypnosis, tardigrades, and our creator(s), whether godly, alien, or soupy. Check out the article that inspired this podcast on Medium! Science-y words: primordial soup, evolution, biblical creationism, cosmic pluralism, intelligent design, spontaneous ge