Dreamers & Doers

#8 Mental Health Awareness - Grant Trebilco



In Today's society, we feel like we have to show we are successful and share our awesome lives on social media. It sometimes comes to the expense of our mental health and people tend to be more depressive or anxious than ever. 5 years ago, Grant Trebilco launched a movement called OneWave that is now is several cities in Australia. The concept is to gather in the morning once a week and exchange about our struggles in a beautiful, loving and non-judgemental environment, and then go for a surf. I've recently opened up more about my emotions and struggles and it can feel like a liberation. It's a super interesting subject. Here are a few questions I'll ask but come with yours: 1. How and why did you start the OneWave movement? 2. Why do you think we suffer that much from anxiety and depression in Today's society? 3. What can we do about it?