Dreamers & Doers

#18 - Disconnect to Reconnect - Paddy Millington Buck



Will you go to South America without a phone? Paddy just done it during three months. Paddy is a great friend and was a very early supporter of Unlockt. He did the early version of the challenge and the time management program. He decided to go for a 3-month trip to South America, because why not. On top of it, he wanted to do the whole experience without a phone and with a very limited access to tech. He just came back a few days ago. We live in an over-connected world, which has a lot of benefits but also comes with its share of risks. We will discuss: 1- Why he wanted to travel without a phone? 2- Some of the experiences and human interactions he had there 3- The pros and cons of disconnecting 4- How he is going to integrate this experience in his everyday life