Dreamers & Doers

#22 - The Power of Breathwork - Marja Jacobsen



Can you high by breathing nothing else than oxygen? I've met Marja as she was my Yoga teacher at Dharma Shala. She is also a reiki master and now raves about breathwork. Breathwork is something I haven't explored much yet but from Eastern philosophy to the Wim Hof method it is proven to show breathtaking results! (haha!) Some people even say her breathwork was as powerful as an Ayahuasca trip... I'm really excited about this interview! Questions I thought of asking, but come with yours! 1- What is your journey through healing and mindfulness? 2- What got you into breathwork and why do you find it so powerful? 3- Why did you want to teach it? 4- Simple exercises people can practice? For more info visit https://www.yogawithmarja.com/