Beyond A Dress Size With Dr. Ezinne Meribe

What is YOUR pivot?



Episode Summary  We are still in the month of January and with all the resolutions flying in the air, a lot of these messages are being masqueraded as health but all they really do is put the emphasis on losing weight and even when it is sold or advertised as wellness, more often than not it focuses on how many calories are on your plate and how long you can exercise - which to many people stands out as starvation and punishment - so as soon as you are signing up for the program, you can’t wait for the program to end so you can start eating again. Can you see how that is bound to fail already?  So instead of running round in circles, this episode looks at the CRUCIAL FACTOR, THE PIVOT.  How have you been putting the cart before the horse even at your own emotional expense?     Favourite highlights If you are working on taking better care of yourself in this new year, you can’t do it from a place of exhaustion whether physical or mental. Self care looks different for different people,