Movie Go Round

45: Starship Troopers



This week's Movie-Go-Round was originally going to bring you Legally Blonde - that's what you voted for on You Did This to Us. The Great Hard Drive Crash of 2018 came and went, though, and Legally Blonde looks like it was the last episode to get caught in the undertow. So, we dug back into the Geek Cinema Society Archive to remaster an episode and bring it to the Movie-Go-Round audience for one more week! If you haven't ever listened to Geek Cinema, you can find it on all podcasting directories. This particular episode was an exploration of Starship Troopers. We picked this film to revisit here on Movie-Go-Round because it was a bizarre, often frustrating, absurd science-fiction flick that a guest inflicted upon us one week - very much in the spirit of You Did This to Us. Next week, join us for New to Two and Nicole's pick, 1998's Out of Sight! Head on over to for more podcast episodes, columns, and more!