Highrock Church Cambridge

Surviving Success



Here are ten simple questions and suggestions from Pastor Dave to help us cultivate humility in our day to day lives; not as a burden of duty, but as disciplines that God will use to shape us more and more into the image of Christ so that we may bless others. On what grounds do you condemn others or condemn yourself? Are they God's standards, or yours?  When God blesses you with success, do you become prideful like Nebuchadnezzar at first, or praise-ful like Nebuchadnezzar at the end?  When you’re talking, are you thinking about yourself, the other person, or what the other person is thinking about you?  Are your prayers always about you? Talk about God — praise Him like Daniel did. Pray for others — that God will bless them. Pray for those you feel envious of, and your enemies, asking God to bless them with far greater success and joy.  Then, praise your competitors to their faces and behind their backs. Nothing will conquer your pride more easily than praising your competitors.  Next, consider God’s