30 Minute Italian

Phrases to Order Pizza and Gelato in Italian



Ordering Pizza I really like pasta (cacio e pepe is my favorite), gelato (fragola, every day all day), and cheese (pecorino forever and ever), but pizza? I love pizza. For the first few weeks that I lived in Rome, the only people I knew were the ones who sold pizza. (If you’re ever in Monteverde in Rome, my favorite pizza al taglio shop is the one on Viale Villa Pamphili.) For those of you who aren’t familiar with a pizza al taglio shop, it’s basically a place where they make large sheets of varieties of pizza and when you walk in, they cut a piece off for you, hence the “al taglio” part. They also have delicious fried things like arancini, supplì and depending on the location, roasted chicken and potatoes.r To help you navigate this experience with more ease and confidence, here are some phrases to know. -- C’è qualcosa con... (il pesto)? - Is there something with (pesto)? -- Vorrei / Prendo un pezzetto di quella con il prosciutto. - I would like / I’ll talk a little piece of that one with the prosciutto. --