Giant Size

22: Super-Powered Murder Cat



We memorialize some great comics cancelled in 2014 with a truly Giant-Size episode that is full of complete runs you can start and finish (for the most part) right now. Brought to you by * IDW: Out this week - Galaxy Quest #1(of 4), Zombies vs Robots #1(ongoing), Star Trek: Planet of the Apes #2(of5), Popeye Classics #30 Special Guest * Kevin Wada (twitter) posts amazing art on Tumblr, has done gorgeous covers for the now-ending run of She-Hulk, and has a lot up his sleeve in terms of upcoming work and talent. Become a fan now so you can be a Kevin Wada hipster later. Related Episodes * Artist Edition 58: the exact same interview found in this episode, but isolated on its own for your re-listening convenience.