Mobile Couch

11: I’m Still Jet Lagged



With WWDC over for another year, Ben and Jelly discuss some of the new technologies that you”ll be able to use with your apps and the sessions you should watch so you can make your apps shine on iOS7; and Jelly explains an app he recently discovered called Oyster, which is a tool for testing regular expressions and even writing the code to use them. 101: Platforms State of the Union 400: What’s New in Xcode 5 228: Hidden Gems in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch 204: What’s New with Multitasking 206: Getting Started with UIKit Dynamics 502: Introduction to Sprite Kit 210: Introducing Text Kit 220: Advanced Text Layouts and Effects with Text Kit 217: Exploring Scroll Views on iOS 7 218: Custom Transitions Using View Controllers