Mobile Couch

59: Final Battery Warning



The WWDC 2015 keynote has come and gone, but Eddy Cue’s dance moves will forever haunt us. Jake and Ben call in from San Francisco to talk about developer-y things that got announced during the keynote and the Platforms State of the Union, while Jelly, who watched from his lounge room, fills in the gaps on some of the new APIs and kits. Starting with the keynote, the couch quickly cover the general feeling of the presentation, the highlight of which was the inclusion of two female VPs presenting things on stage. Not to mention the brief inclusion of an app that Ben wrote in one of the videos shown as part of the presentation. Moving into development stuff, Jelly breaks down the addition of Search APIs which use NSUserActivity, and content indexed from the internet, to create indexable content that appears in the home screen search. This builds on a new feature from last year, and along with “universal links”, allows for easier access to content within apps. Another new feature is App Thinning, which is ac