Think Bold, Be Bold

Improving Culture and Transformation in Your Business with Meg Manke and Dr. Rachel MK Headley - Ep #156



Overview: In this special episode, Meg Manke and Dr. Rachel MK Headley join us as a duo on the Think Bold, Be Bold Show! Meg and Rachel are authors of iX Leadership: Create high-five cultures and guide transformation and Co-founders of The Rose Group International. Their specialty is connecting leaders with their people, creating opportunity for innovation and helping their organization thrive. Tune in to hear how your business can improve its culture! 5 Golden Nuggets Shared:Having a good, healthy culture in business is essential. As a leader, it’s your duty to define and create what type of culture your organization will have.  Accountability within your team is key. It’s hard to hold someone accountable when they don’t have the desire to be accountable, but if they know what their legacy is and why they keep coming to work it will help motivate them. Challenge your staff with these questions!No matter what job or position an individual holds, it’s important to make them feel valued. When a person feel