Faith & Good Counsel Show With Staci Gulino

FGC #61: Redemption from the Brokenness of Divorce through the Richness of the Catholic Church & Theology of the Body, with Rose Sweet



Take a look at this California beauty, Rose Sweet.  Don't you just LOVE her name?  Her face radiates joy, I know, right?   But, Rose wasn't always so joyful. In fact, as a young woman in the 1950's to 1960's, Rose was seduced by the revolutionary culture away from her faith....and she paid a heavy price for picking and choosing what she determined was true and good and beautiful. Living out certain feminist ideals of the sexual revolution led her to three failed marriages and divorce, the first one as a young woman brutalized by an alcoholic husband.  Disturbing it is that so many in the post-1960's generation uphold the whole "revolution" as something to be aspired seems that it's way cool to be a "hippie" nowadays. Living through those times, however, was a different experience than what is glorified about it today. Our culture..and dear Rose...has suffered tremendous wounds because of it. But Our God is faithful!  And, no matter how far we run away from Him, the hound of Heaven never stops pursui