Spoil Your Reign

Generations and the decline of Irish Higher Education #Society



This is an episode on Generations theory and the crisis within the higher education system in Ireland. We start with the Strauss-Howe theory of generations and how this doesn’t apply to Ireland, then we dive into the massive change in the numbers of people who entered the Irish education system between the 1980s and present day. We use the following papers and websites and would encourage all of our listeners to check them out. Central Statistics Office (CSO) report on Irish education attainment.  Struass-Howe Theory basic overview, the original book and a website that might be useful.    NYT Criticisms of Strauss-Howe here & here.  The Irish economist who predicted the crash of the 'Celtic Tiger' was Prof. Morgan Kelly his bio is here.  Comments, Questions & Complaints go to spoilyourreign@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter & Facebook Leave a rating & review on iTunes