Small Business Revival W/ Brian Mininger

46: Bootstrapping It w/ Vince Carter



Today's show is a rebroadcast of my appearance on the Vince Carter's podcast, 'Bootstrapping It.' {Key Takeaway Notes taken from} Key Takeaways Sometimes to move forward we have to move backward. Lessons learned: Risk of leverage – This risk can be minimized by taking a cyclical instead of straight-line approach to growth Risk of not concentrating on core business Pay attention to being in the right place and the right market delivering the right thing As a result of this experience, Brian is committed to bootstrapping his future business endeavors. His current focus is business consulting. His advice for aspiring bootstrappers looking to start a business: Find your passion (the right niche). Once you find that passion: Go after it. Be persistent!  Tweetable Quotes [Tweet "Find your passion (the right niche). Go after it. Be Persistent!"] [Tweet "Sometimes to move forward we have to move backward."] [Tweet "Pay attention to being in th