Krav Maga

005 What is more dangerous, gun or a knife? - Krav Maga Podcast



This is a semi loaded question. Obviously, if there is gun to your head or a knife to your throat it doesn’t matter which is more dangerous at that moment. All that matters is that you survive no matter what.  But if we decided to break down knife vs gun threats, or attacks we can really see deep inside the problem and discuss certain theories. Let’s start with the pistol and lets not talk about rifles at the moment sense they are long range and not typically close hand to hand range like a knife or even a pistol are. Guns are amazing tools. They allow you to shoot a target at a close, medium, and semi far distance. They don’t need a lot of skill to be fired or used as a tool of intimidation. Knifes on the other hand you must be close. But knifes are amazing weapons to because they never jam. They never need to reloaded. They are easily concealed. And they a cheap and easily to get.  Pistols are “less” personal as a knife is a very personal attack. What I mean is, you have to be up close to stab some one