Krav Maga

010 Cause and Effect



“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War   Many courses teach that self defense (or fighting) is only to be used if you need it. One might argue that once you need self defense, it may already too late. My own interpretation of Sun Tzu is that you must prepare to take the mindset of a villain and strike with unrelenting force. Act quickly and efficiently to put down your enemy. Causality is the connection of an action (the cause) to a reaction (the effect) of any causal factors. To put it more simply, for every action there is a reaction. In relation to fighting, there is always a person in the cause state and another person in the effect state. Or another way of putting it, an action and reaction state. This can change at any moment in the fight. When an attacker throws a punch, he is then the cause and you are the effect. Even by reacting to the punch thrown, either redirecting it or taking the punch, you are still in a effe