Holistically Healing Anxiety | Anxiety Coach | Stacie Younger

Episode 63: Talking About Sexual Assault with Molly Wentzel



Warning!!!  There may be some triggers in this episode.  We do not go into much details though.              I strongly believe that there are so many uncomfortable topics out there that we are not talking about, that we should be talking.  I also strongly believe that when we don’t talk about these uncomfortable topics, this is when people are feeling alone and like there might be something wrong with them when they are not alone and there is nothing wrong with them.              I am so grateful for Molly joining me on my podcast for this episode, so we can talk about this uncomfortable topic.  Molly shares her story on how she was sexually assaulted.  She goes on to talk about how at any level of sexual assault that this can cause a lot of emotional trauma.  She is now a trauma coach and is helping both women and men who have been sexually assaulted.  To contact Molly at: Website: http://www.bethebalancehealing.com/   For more info on my Become a Podcast Boss Masterclass:  https://www.facebook.com/events