Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 83: Why Having a Go is More Important Than Being Successful



We have all heard the cliche that it isn't winning that's important, it's giving it your best shot. This statement could not be truer when it comes to health. This week on Think Fit we give our thoughts on why it is more important to try and make healthy choices, even if you always fail than it is to be successful. We talk about it doesn't matter if you keep getting it wrong as long as you keep trying. We talk about accepting that most people will probably never really 'win'. We discuss why trying and failing is automatically better than never trying at all. Robo gets deep and talks about how managing your expectations before you start might mean that the fear of failure won't prevent you from getting started. We also talk about how much more we have learned from failing than we ever had from winning and how scary it would have been if our first failures meant we never got to where we are today. Finally, we acknowledge that there is nothing wrong with losing. Over 50,000 people run the New York Marathon but o