Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 86: Let's Start Having Hard Conversations with Roy & Edwin Asotasi



To help celebrate all things Movember (even though this comes out in December) we wanted to have an open and honest conversation this week about something that most people do not want to talk about. When most people hear the name Roy Asotasi they think football star. Roy played professional rugby league, won a grand final and even captained the New Zealand national team. What people don't probably realise is that growing up, his younger brother Edwin tried to kill himself. This week we are joined by the brothers who know run F45 together to have a conversation about this experience. We talk about what led to Eddie's attempt to end it all, how this impacted his parents, how it impacted the relationship these brothers have and why we need to talk about it. We go even further into this sensitive topic to talk about why we need to start asking if people are ok and what things we can all do to try and help not only other people but also ourselves. We really want to thank these two absolute legends for opening up a