Think Bold, Be Bold

Wise Wisdom from a Little Bird with Priscilla McKinney - Ep# 155



Overview: In this episode, Priscilla McKinney comes on the Think Bold, Be Bold Show! Priscilla is CEO and resident Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing. She and her team carefully created the S.O.A.R system of marketing which is a done for you system, helping busy leaders create a sustainable lead generation system within 90 days. This system allows leaders to remain confident in the growth of their company, without losing focus on their other responsibilities.Tune in to learn how you can build a digital content marketing platform, providing you with sustainable lead generation for your ideal clients! 5 Golden Nuggets Shared:It generally takes extreme circumstances for us to make a change. Be proactive, don’t wait for something bad to happen to make a positive change in your life.  Don’t become a victim of your adversity. Use that adversity to propel you forward and build resilience.  Know your ideal client persona and what they actually want. Don’t build a brand if you don’t know your audience.