Married Millennials




Justin and Joy discuss spending an extended time away from each other and the challenges of balancing relationship roles without making your partner feel inferior. Elevator Pitch Does anyone else not enjoy spending money on Halloween costumes? Jada and Will’s Red Table Talk episodes are MUST WATCH TV. Justin’s incredible experience on set of the upcoming TV show, Boomerang. Joy’s fleeting feeling of freedom and frustration upon Justin’s arrival home. Our struggle of balancing each other’s household contribution and responsibilities without making the other person feel inadequate. Can you name an animal that begins with the letter “N’ without using Google? And much more! Spread the Word If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a review on iTunes and share it with your friends! Connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to share your thoughts about the show. 15 Must-Have Conversations Before Saying "I Do" Are you planning the wedding of your dreams? Before you walk down the aisle,