Holistically Healing Anxiety | Anxiety Coach | Stacie Younger

Episode 56: 10 Nutrient Deficiencies that can Cause Anxiety



When I was in school, I had to do a huge research paper and the topic had to be an illness or disorder that I had and to research what nutrient deficiencies could cause it.  She was strict about where we got our info from because let's face it, not everything you read on the internet is true.  I picked anxiety, I thought it was going to be a huge challenge to find info on this subject though, especially since we could only use certain websites.  I was shocked, I found so much info!   Take a listen to the episode to learn about what deficiencies can be causing your anxiety!  Contact me at: Website: https://www.holisticallyhealinganxiety.com/ Facebook group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/holisticallyhealinganxietycommunity/ Instagram: @holistically_healing_anxiety